Thursday, February 26, 2015

questions about eating disorders (masterlist)

1. Is it really about getting thin? 

2. I was readin more about anorexia and I was a little surprised to see that most information that comes up are like tips of how to get thinner. They were proud of having it... Is it what is like for most ppl? Is there an explanation?

3. Do they (you?) see overweight ppl as less than a person? (here)

4. When people want to help, why is it a problem? I read on some girl's blog that they think it's terrible when their friends and family call them on their ED 

5. Is there a cure? 

6. The depression, is it a cause or a consequence? (here)

 7. I feel like ppl with DE overexpose their bodies at internet, I would say this is due to the proud thing... you agree?

8. Why does "binging" suck? lol sorry, i should know that, but maybe it has a different concept?

9. How do people develop ED (more specifically anorexia)? Are they born with it?

Have questions? Feel free to comment (anon option is open) or tweet me @siricerasi. I'm happy to answer just about anything!

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